Monday, October 26, 2009

Tell me what iis love pt. 1

What is love?
is it the way yu hold me when im not feeling myself?
or is the way yur voice soothes me when im lonely
can yu tell me?
what is love?
is the way yu make me feel  when yu place yur fingertips between mine
what is love?
is it the sound of yur voice
or the beating of yur heart?
is it the softness of yur kiss
or the gentleness of yur touch
baby can you tell me?
Love is what God gave me
Love is what he shares with me
and he thought of me so much
that he gave me you.
and for that yu are one of my blessings.
yu make me feel wanted
and i can be ME
KYRA around yu
not jus REEZYi can be Ky the emotional one
the sensitive one
the loving one
the fun one
the angry one
the sad one
i can be me
and for that i am so GRATEFUL
i love yu so much baby :)
yur the only guy for me
so what iis love?
The Feelings Yu Give Me

Up iin thiis DAMN class. :( GRRRRR

Man ii hate beiin iin thiis whaaaaccccckkkkk ass class yo
liike ii dont understand why we need geometry any G-Damn way
Thiis dont make no damn sense. iim liike so mad. BITCH ASS NiiGGA!!!!!!!!!!
excuse my french plz
ii dont liike coach hawkey's biitch ass yo

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Results :)

Well My Haiir iis DONE. and ii am so happy wiith the results :p
me and my haiir came a looooonnnnngggg way and iim so proud of iit. 
well heres sone piics enjoy


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Miicro's Are Out. :)

Last tiime ii had miicros ii had em iin for 5months
&& yes ii took good care of em
ii tokk em out and then ii jus washed my haiir and diid not put a relaxer iin
ii got miicros agaiin and ii had em iin for 4 months total
so thats a total of 9 months w/ no relaxer
Ok so ii took my miicros out friiday :) 
&& now ii relaxed iit and iit was a total success :)
here's some piics on the braiid out (natural haiir)
and the wash out (relaxed)
ii wiill probley post the dry wrap and after ii curl iit. so enjoy the piics. and dont talk about my natural haiir eiither LOL LOL LOL

 Natural Haiir (9 month stretch)

Wash out. (relaxed haiir) :)

so yea iim happy. ii needed a relaxer sooooo baddddd :)
Siigniing Off :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

♥Grumpy Toast♥

iim iin love wiidddd yuuuu :)
and yu make me soo happy :)
&& he makes me laugh wiidd tears runniin down my face
tears of joy ii should say
he makes my day
iim iin love wiiiiddddd yuuuuuuu :)
and ii can say iit all dayy
ii jus pray we wont fade away
ii love yu Dee Dee

Siigniin off:

Crazy fxiin ppl.

man iidk why ppl gotta be so damn stupiid.
liife lessons; no matter how old yu r yu stiill learn somethiin new.
and yes yes yes raciism iis stiill among us. whiite ppl wiill always thiink they voiice iis above any miinoriity.
and iits not true. mannnn ii tell yu South Caroliina iis a mess ii tell yu.

siigniin off once agaiin.


man morniings are so frustratiing at tiimes. iit can be draiiniing and exhaustiing. but the funny thiing iis that yu get more stuff done iin the morniing. jus a thought.

Thought of the day;
how can yu make yur morniings stress free??
answer:Pray at niight.