Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Whats Dear...

hold on to whats dear, my dear 
let go of whats bad...your fear
your fear holds you back
it puts you in a corner
pins you down, slowly creates a loner
chains around your neck...you let it catch you
shackles from your neck down to you ankles
you let go of what was dear my dear
your pride is calling, lift your head up to hear
listen to the tears that you cried
look back to the nights that you died
let go of whats bad...your fear
hold on to whats dear, my dear
my brother, my sister, my friend

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You dont know PAIN

Pain.... na yu dont know pain, 
yu dont know pain like i know pain;
mayb deep down inside i cant let go of the hurt; 
so i hide it, && when asked i smile, 
no its not a lie its to better myself
because speaking how i feel wont help
constantly crying or finding some sort of escape
through whatever makes me happy
so many ppl around me, yet i feel so alone
like no one can relate to me. 
some ppl think i have a good life, no dramatic changes
that shows me i know how to hide it
but some things i cant admit
my pain is undescrible 
my pain is hard
my pain is annoying && it cant be ignored
my pain constantly changes
&& i cant control it at times
my pain....

Monday, July 19, 2010

Had A Thought;

i had a thought; a thought about yu.
a thought about yu and how yu stopped caring
a thought about yu seeing me but walking past me
a thought about yu hearing me but ignoriing me
i had a thought, a thought about yu
a thought about someone hurting me
but yu not saving me
i had a thought, that someone threw a heavy glass at me
and it hit me in my face, and on my side of my stomach
glass was inside my face, and inside my stomach, i bled, and wouldnt stop, but yu ran to that person and stopped,yu looked at me and the look was as if i deserved it. AS IF ii DESERVED that heavy blow AS  I DESERVED that glass insiide of me.
so i ran, ran away from yu, and as i looked back yu did not come, i felt weary and low, sick, i slowed down and fell, i was bleeding, in the dark the redness of me was bright in the darkness. i looked for yu, i needed yu, but yu left me. yur stubborness got me. and i gave up. i gave up on me. i layed there and cried, i bled and i stopped, no one in siight i layed there. && i Had A Thought, A Thought about yu..... to be continued

Friday, July 16, 2010

Locked Up

do yu know how it feels 
to be a prisoner inside of yur own head?
to be a walking time bomb?
inside yourself with no source of escape?
by your reality
in a fantasy world yu created off of dreams?
do yu know how it feels
to be forgotten let along rejected
by the ones that once loved yu
the ones who are close. 
last forever 
can form a riiver
wiill not cause a rescue team to save yu
wiill not cause an earthquake
beiing the victim wiill not get yu sympathy && acceptance 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

So Mayb...

So mayb ii can become the perfect barbie yu want me to be...
even tho yu tell me iim perfect; ii cant see iit anymore
so mayb ii can change my whole self for yu;
even tho yu say ii dont need to change
so mayb?...
So mayb ii can stop talkiing; 
so ii wont make yu so mad;
so mayb?...
Well what else can i do for yu ?
am i even enough...
i know yu say im more than enough but am i really ?
asking yu questions always leads to an argument...
so to prevent it i dont ask;
i wont ask; jus to keep yu happy all the time
So mayb ppl think i lost all my pride && my dignity
but i didnt;
So mayb yu can admit yur wrongs to me like i do
or let the little things go like i do;
Mayb yu can console me when i cry like yu used to;
mayb yu can be my baby boo yu once was;
on September 22, 2010
im not makin yu seem like yur the bad guy
because yur not;
yur far from it;
i know i have alot of issues;
yes i know i do
but when i say im srry && i will never do it again
i dont do it again
so plz; all i ask is 
yu can do the same for me
So Mayb; jus mayb we can get back on track
no matter how mad we get i jus cant help to love yu....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tell me what iis love pt. 1

What is love?
is it the way yu hold me when im not feeling myself?
or is the way yur voice soothes me when im lonely
can yu tell me?
what is love?
is the way yu make me feel  when yu place yur fingertips between mine
what is love?
is it the sound of yur voice
or the beating of yur heart?
is it the softness of yur kiss
or the gentleness of yur touch
baby can you tell me?
Love is what God gave me
Love is what he shares with me
and he thought of me so much
that he gave me you.
and for that yu are one of my blessings.
yu make me feel wanted
and i can be ME
KYRA around yu
not jus REEZYi can be Ky the emotional one
the sensitive one
the loving one
the fun one
the angry one
the sad one
i can be me
and for that i am so GRATEFUL
i love yu so much baby :)
yur the only guy for me
so what iis love?
The Feelings Yu Give Me

Up iin thiis DAMN class. :( GRRRRR

Man ii hate beiin iin thiis whaaaaccccckkkkk ass class yo
liike ii dont understand why we need geometry any G-Damn way
Thiis dont make no damn sense. iim liike so mad. BITCH ASS NiiGGA!!!!!!!!!!
excuse my french plz
ii dont liike coach hawkey's biitch ass yo